small group series

Our Heart for the i-61 small group Series

In i-61 ministries, we want groups and individuals to grow in awareness of the world’s growing crises, deepen in compassionate love that comes from our Creator, and feel empowered and inspired to go and make an impact for the kingdom of God. We believe it is worship to God to love the poor, and we hope to present some holistic and effective ways to do that. Our prayer is that you grow closer to Jesus during these next nine weeks, experiencing Him in spirit and in truth. We as the church are commissioned to be His hands and feet to the “least of these”. May He help us all to do that each day!

How to Use this i-61 Small Group Series

This is a nine-week series that includes: weekly videos for your group to watch together and daily devotions for you to do personally. The videos are meant to evoke discussion; they include pauses with directed questions on the screen so that the group can interact and personalize each topic. The devotions are meant to help you explore God’s word on the topic and get you to the ultimate point of application, which is where all the real life-change happens. There are five daily devotions per week and we encourage you to begin each one with prayer, inviting God to guide you where He wants you to go.



Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 1: Introduction

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

session 2: spiritual confusion

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

session 3: undeveloped leadership

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

session 4: educational inequalities

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 5: Environmental Decline

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 6: World Hunger

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 7: Poor Health & Disease

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 8: Human Injustice

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.

Session 9: Conclusion



See how you can get involved

Uploaded by Vineyard Boise on 2017-06-20.