i-61 Spiritual Confusion & Undeveloped Leadership Virtual Coach
Spiritual Direction, Missional Care, and Leadership Development Specialist
Jerry and his wife Val have provided spiritual, relational, psychological and leadership support to missionaries and emerging church leaders in many countries for the past 23 years. Jerry served Vineyard USA Missions for 20 years and helped develop and provide support to Vineyard Partnerships and the emerging churches they support. Val and Jerry are Spiritual Directors (trained with Sustainable Faith) and have a missionary guest house near their home in the mountains north of Boise, Idaho. Jerry is a retired clinical psychologist (Psy.D. from Rosemead College, Biola Univ.), counselor and assistant pastor (Oxford, England). They have attended Vineyard Boise since 2006 and began their journey with the Vineyard in 1981 at Vineyard Anaheim.
Contact Jerry at:
Email: drreddix@gmail.com