Now is the Time!

I can’t tell you how much more invigorated I have been by the Holy Spirit this last week! More now than I have been in months. God is at work! I wanted to begin blogging to share some of the Words He has given me as I believe they are not just for me, but for the Body of Believers for this season. I will just share one word at a time and I would love your feedback and comments!

The reality of the situation the world is in right now, is grim to say the least. In studying church history, we know that every generation believes Jesus will come back during their generation. Let’s face it… We have seen horrendous anti-Christ events and leaders rise up throughout world history. You can already picture their names without me even writing them. Devastating wars famines, natural disasters, genocides, terrorist acts, and human injustice on every level. And yet, here we still are. Almost 2000 years after Jesus warned the early church to be ready for His return, and we have not seen Him come back yet! Why?

2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (NIV)

He hasn’t returned yet because He is waiting for MORE of His children to come to know Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

Last December of 2019, I was asking God for a word for 2020. He spoke something that I did not see coming.

“It is the Beginning of the End.”

Hmm. What do you do with that? I was trying to think positively…. “Maybe that means it’s the beginning of the end of the conflicts and stresses our family has been facing this year. Maybe it just means a change of direction or career is coming.” But I realized even in the thought process, that I was sugar-coating a word I didn’t want to receive.

Soon after our family dog had unexpectedly passed away, COVID-19 hit with a blast. I was skeptical at first, but then realized it was a game-changer for the whole world. With the shut down / quarantine, the economy suffered and many people lost their jobs. The government tried to do what they could with supporting families financially, but we have yet to see the full affects on the economy. Aside from thousands dying from COVID-19, thousands of acres have been destroyed this month due to wildfires, dust storms, and hurricanes.

This is the beginning of the End.

Although we have suffered globally and nationally before, I believe events will hit harder and more frequent starting this Fall. The word crescendo comes to mind. In music, a crescendo means the volume increases over time. I do not think the end is coming quickly, but it is coming. The hard times have begun. And likewise, the new move of God’s Spirit has begun, so that more would come to know Him.

So herein lies the question: How will YOU respond during this new season of hardship? Will you shrink back in fear, trying to protect your talents and resources like the wicked servant in the parable of the five talents (Matthew 25)? Or will you offer everything you have to the Lord… your time, money, emotions, family, energy, talents, jobs, gifting, and resources— wanting Him to show you how to multiply it so that His Kingdom and glory will grow?

Lord, help me be the wise servant. One who doesn’t squander my time and resources, but who seeks to multiply for the sake of the kingdom. There is HOPE and PURPOSE for you today. God has a plan for how you are to live in this time. God loves you and wants to fill you to overflowing so that His love would spill out to others and bring hope and love where the enemy seeks to bring fear and hatred. Hallelujah!

— Written by Terra Montford, Director of i-61 Ministries and Missions Pastor at Vineyard Boise Christian Fellowship

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